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Showing posts from March, 2012

Class 8, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE III, Chapter 1- The Indian Constitution | Solutions of Ncert Cbse Social Science Civics Textbook Chapter Exercise

Chapter 1- The Indian Constitution CBSE Board, Class VIII Social Science (Civics) SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE III NCERT Solutions of Textbook Exercise Questions (Only Important Questions, for more please refer to the Extra Study link given at the end of this post) Q.1: Why does a democratic country need a Constitution? Solution: In a democratic

Class 9, Kritika Bhag 1 (Hindi), CBSE (NCERT) solutions - कृतिका भाग १ | इस जल प्रलय में

KRITIKA BHAG 1 CBSE (NCERT) Class IX (Hindi Supplementary Reader) Chapter Exercise Questions Solutions पाठ्य पुस्तक के प्रश्न-अभ्यास प्रश्न १: बाढ़ की ख़बर सुनकर लोग किस तरह की तैयारी करने लगे? उत्तर: बाढ़ की ख़बर सुनकर लोग अपनी सुरक्षा के प्रबंध और अत्यावश्यक सामानों को जुटाने में लग गए। उन्होंने आवश्यक इंधन, आलू, मोमबत्ती, दियासलाई, पीने का पानी और कम्पोज की गोलियाँ इकट्ठा कर ली

Class 9 Solutions of NCERT (CBSE) Kritika Bhag 1, Chapter-2 मेरे संग की औरतें | NCERT Answers of Hindi Chapter Exercise Questions

NCERT (CBSE) Class 9 Hindi Course 'A'  Kritika Bhag -1 (NCERT Chapter Exercise Solutions)  मेरे संग की औरतें (पाठ्य-पुस्तक के प्रश्न-अभ्यास) प्रश्न १: लेखिका ने अपनी नानी को कभी देखा भी नहीं फिर भी उनके व्यक्तित्व से वे क्यों प्रभावित थीं ? उत्तर: लेखिका ने अपनी नानी को कभी देखा भी नहीं था, किंतु उनके बारे में सुना अवश्य था| उसने सुना था कि उसकी नानी ने अपनी जीवन के अंतिम दिनों

Our Pasts III - How, When and Where | CBSE Class VIII History - NCERT solutions for sample questions

CBSE Board Class 8, NCERT – Social (History) Our Pasts III Chapter 1, How, When and Where   Sample Questions - Answers Q.1: Why do we continue to associate history with a string of dates? Q.2: What is history? Why and how do we periodise a time in history? (What is Periodisation?) Q.3: What is the meaning of ‘Colonization’ in history? Q.4:

Class 8 Ncert Cbse Social - History | Our Pasts III, How, When and Where | Chapter Exercise Solutions

Class VIII, Social Science (History) Our Pasts III, Chapter 1, How, When and Where Q.1: State whether true or false: a)    James Mill divided Indian History into three periods- Hindu, Muslim, and Christian. b)    Official documents help us understand what the people of the country think. c)    The British

Soil, Class 7 Science | Ncert (Cbse) Solutions of Chapter 9, Science Textbook Exercise

Class VII, CBSE Science Solutions of NCERT Textbook Exercise Questions  Chapter Exercise Important Questions Only Q.1: In addition to the rock particles, the soil contains:       (i)        air and water      (ii)        water and plants     (iii)        minerals, organic matter, air and water    (iv)        water, air and plants Solution: (iii)

Class 9, Democracy in the Contemporary World | Ncert Political Science (Social Studies), Democratic Politics I - CBSE sample questions answers

CBSE Class IX, Democracy in the Contemporary World  Ncert Political Science (Social Studies), Democratic Politics I Additional questions with their solutions Q.1: Why did President Allende address himself mainly to workers? Why were the rich unhappy with him? Q.2: Why was an independent Trade Union so important in Poland? Why are Trade Unions necessary in Poland?  Q.3: Which

NCERT solutions of Democracy in the Contemporary World | Class 9 Solutions of NCERT (CBSE) Political Science - Democratic Politics I

Class IX, Political Science (Social Studies) Solutions of Ncert (Cbse) Textbook Chapter Exercise   DEMOCRACY IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD (Important Questions only) Q.1: Which of the following does not lead to the spread of democracy? (a) Struggle by the people (b) Invasion by foreign countries (c) End of colonialism (d) People’s desire for freedom Solution: (b) Q.2: Which of the

Solutions of Cbse Ncert History sample questions | Class IX, India and the Contemporary World I - The French Revolution

Class 9, The French Revolution NCERT History, India and the Contemporary World I Solutions of CBSE Sample Questions (following latest CCE scheme of Examination) Q.1: Identify Louis XVI, telling the part played by him in the French Revolution. Solution: Louis XVI was a despotic ruler of France. He was a man of moderate intelligence and was obstinate.

Class 9, The French Revolution | Ncert Cbse Solutions of History Textbook Chapter Exercise | India and the Contemporary World I

Class 9, The French Revolution Solutions of CBSE (NCERT) History Textbook Chapter Exercise Questions Q.1: Describe the circumstances leading to outbreak of revolutionary protest in France. Solution: On the eve of the French Revolution, that is in 1789 A.D. France presented a dismal look. Following were the conditions on the eve of the French Revolution. In other words we can say that

Class 8, The Best Christmas Present in the World | Honeydew, NCERT (CBSE) English | Additional important questions

Class VIII, NCERT (CBSE) Solutions of English Honeydew Chapter 1, The Best Christmas Present in the World  CBSE Sample Questions with Answers (following latest CCE scheme of examination of CBSE) Q.1: Why did the author buy the desk which was in bad condition? Answer: The author bought the desk although it was in a bad condition. He did so because he had always wanted to get

The Best Christmas Present in the World, Honeydew| Class 8 Solutions of NCERT (CBSE) English Textbook Chapter Exercise

Solutions (Answers) of NCERT (CBSE) English Textbook Exercise Class 8, Honeydew The Best Christmas Present in the World Comprehension Check (Important Questions) Q.1: What did the author find in a junk shop? Answer: The author found a very old 19th century roll-top desk in a junk shop. It was made of oak. It was in bad condition. So it was being sold at a cheap price. Q.2

Class 7, Respiration in Organisms | NCERT (CBSE) science | Solutions of NCERT textbook exercise questions

Class VII, Science Respiration in Organisms NCERT Solutions of Textbook Exercise (Important Questions Only) Q.1: Why does athlete breathe faster and deeper than usual after finishing the race?   Solution: An athlete needs more energy during the race and after. Since demand for the energy is high the breakdown of food must be speeded up. This requires more oxygen to be supplied. This is

Environment - Class 7, Solutions of NCERT (CBSE) Social Science (Geography) Textbook Chapter Exercise questions

NCERT (CBSE) solutions of Class VII Social Science (Geography) Chapter 1 Environment (Important Questions only) Q.1: Answer the following questions.        (i)   What is an ecosystem?      (ii)   What do you mean by natural environment?    (iii)   Which are the major components of the environment?    (iv)   Give four examples of human made environment.      (v)   What is