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Showing posts from September, 2008
Cick HereDownload 2009 Science sample Papers Download 2009 Maths Solved Sample Papers Click Here to Download Toolbar(Make Downloads easy)


CURRENT AND ELECTRICITY click here to download notes Management of Natural Resources Our Environment Sources of Energy Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Electricity Human Eye and Colourful World Light – Reflection and Refraction Heredity and Evolution How do Organisms Reproduce? Control and Coordination Life Processes Periodic Classification of Elements Carbon and its Compounds Metals and Non-metals Acids, Bases and Salts Chemical Reactions and Equations

How to Score Good Marks

There are some tips and tricks that will help you a lot in preparation for the board exams. How many subjects, you touch for on daily basis and how much time you give for a single subject. What is the way of your preparation, these are some points which plays very important role in getting and scoring good marks in the board exams. Let’s talk about how to prepare: Try to study as least four subjects out of total five per day. This will keep your memory sharp for all subjects. Then spend one hour for a single subject. It means, you to give four hours daily for your all four subjects. But don’t study continuously. Just make a schedule like that… Study for 1 hour for a subject dedicatedly. Take a small break. In break you can talk to your friends but don’t discuss about study. You can watch TV also and watch only that program you like most. You can do anything interesting you like. Then again come to study. And give one hour for second subject and study dedicatedly; don’t think about movi...

Should students take the help of CBSE sample peppers?

In these days every one is looking for good marks. Students buy many kinds of sample papers and solve then. But in reality many students can not complete these sample papers as they have the burden of many subject. So, how to prepare for the exam? Don’t buy so many extra cbse sample papers. Just buy one and best sample paper after proper guidance from your seniors and teacher. It has been seen that students normally purchase those sample papers which new publisher offer in school moreover teachers also support them. But this is bad. We should not play with money and with the future of our students just for the sake of money. So buy and read the sample paper but after proper guidance from your seniors. Take advice from the toppers of your school that how they prepare for the exams which cbse sample papers they had purchased. There are many samples papers for 10th class and 12th class cbse sample papers. You will find interest in solving sample papers if you have completed your course fo...


MATHS STUDY TIPS Math is learned by doing problems. The problems help you learn the formulas and techniques you do need to know, as well as improve your problem-solving skills.Form a study group in your school or with your friends. Meet once or twice a week Go over problems you've had trouble with. Either someone else in the group will help you, or you will discover you're all stuck on the same problems. Then it's time to get help from your Teacher.Write formulas on cards or on white sheet and put on wall above your study table. Read these formulas daily, this way you can easily remember all formulas.Always review previous sections you have already covered each day. Reviewing daily take much lesser time than coming back to covered section after a month or weeks.After you solve mathematical problem, have your teacher or someone else check the steps you followed to solve the problem.Practice as much as possible, just watching the teacher do the problem, does not develop your ...