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Showing posts from July 28, 2009

science and technology CBSE Class Tenth 2009-2010

Management of Natural Resources Our Environment Sources of Energy Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Electricity Human Eye and Colourful World Light – Reflection and Refraction Heredity and Evolution How do Organisms Reproduce? Control and Coordination Life Processes Periodic Classification Carbon and its Compounds Metals and Non-metals Acids, Bases and Salts Chemical Reactions and Equations

Chemical Reactions and Equations

What happens when magnesium ribbon burns in air? What do you mean by physical and chemical change. When do you say that a chemical reaction has taken place? What do you mean by word equation. List four observations that help us to determine whether a chemical reaction has taken place. What do you mean by skeletal equation. Why do we balance a chemical equation? What is hit and trial method of balancing chemical equation? Give two limitation of chemical equation and how can we overcome these limitation. What does the word aq. represent in a chemical equation. What actually happen during a chemical reaction? Why water starts boiling if lime is added to it. The glucose combines with oxygen in our body cells and provides energy. What is the special name of this reaction? According to energy change what type of reaction is decomposition of vegetable matter into compost. Give two precautions you take while decomposition reaction of ferrous sulphate. Is lime natural of man-made substance? Giv...

Chapter Wise Notes For Tenth Class

ARITHMETIC PROGRESSIONS AND PAIR OF LINEAR EQUATIONS Number System ARITHMETIC PROGERESSIONS Trignometry COORDINATE GEOMETRY 100 Important question for CBSE Class Tenth Probability Coordinate Geometry Class Tenth 2 Coordinate Geometry Class Tenth cbse test papers 2009-2010 Mathematics Sample papers for 9th 10th 11th 12th Real Numbers Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Quadratic Equations Arithmetic Progressions Coordinate Geometry Introduction to Trigonometry Some Applications of Trigonometry Circles C onstructions Areas Related to Circles S urface Areas and Volumes Statistics P robability

guess Paper 10

GUESS PAPER 10 – 2009 CLASS – X SUBJECT - MATHEMATICS Time: 3 hours                                                                                                                               M.M:80 General Instructions : All questions are compulsory. The question paper consists of thirty questions divided into four sections A, B, C and D. Section A carries ten q uestions of 1 mark each, section B carries f...

guess Paper 9

Sample Paper 9 – 2009 Class – X Subject - Mathematics     Marks: 80                                                                                                                          T ime : 3 hrs   Section - A                                   ...