Q.1. I am studying from NCERT books and I have completed latest CBSE Sample Papers. Will I be able to score good marks ( say 80% or more ) ? Ans. Marks scored by any student depend upon their preparation and performance during examination. The students are adviced to remain focussed and do their best. Q.2. How many sets are there for a particular question paper ? Can questions in one sets may be easier than the other set ? Ans. There are three sets of question papers. The questions in all the three sets are designed in such a manner that the level of difficulty is same in all question papers. Q.3. Will the pattern of examination be different this year for Class X and XII ? Ans. CBSE issues Sample Question Papers each year. These sample papers are designed to give a general overview of that years paper design and weightages.CBSE also issues marking schemes for the question paper. It is recommended to solve the sample papers issued by CBSE and have the marking scheme. Q.4.Is there step m...
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