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Showing posts from April 15, 2009


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10englishA_literature_test_5_2008 10englishA_literature_test_4_200 9 10englishA_literature_test_3_200 9 10englishA_literature_test_2_ 2009 10englishA_literature_test_1_ 2009

class 10 English A grammar

10englishA_grammar_test_7_2008 Description: 10englishA_grammar_test_7_ 10englishA_grammar_test_6_2008 Description: 10englishA_grammar_test_6_-2009 10englishA_grammar_test_5_2008 Description: 10englishA_grammar_test_5_2009 10englishA_grammar_test_4_2008 Description: 10englishA_grammar_test_4_2009 10englishA_grammar_test_3_2008 Description: 10englishA_grammar_test_3_2009 10englishA_grammar_test_2_2008 Description: 10englishA_grammar_test_2_2009 10englishA_grammar_test_1_2008 Description: 10englishA_grammar_test_1_2009

CBSE Test Papers for class 10/English A

Grammar A variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context (i.e., not in isolated sentences). Test types used will include gap-filling, cloze (gap filling exercise with blanks at regular intervals), sentence completion, reordering word groups in sentences, editing, dialogue completion and sentence transformation. Literature Two extracts from different poems from the prescribed reader, each extract will carry 4 marks. one question from a poem or a play for 05 marks. three questions based on one of the drama for total 05 question based on one of the prose for 04 extended question based on one of the prose for 08 marks. Reading There will be two unseen passages with a variety of comprehension questions including 04 marks for word-attack skills such as word formation and inferring meaning. First passage will have a factual passage (e.g., instruction, description, report etc.) or a literary passage (e.g., extract from fiction, dram
Real Numbers Euclid's division lemma, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic - statements after reviewing work done earlier and after illustrating and motivating through examples, Proofs of results -irrationality of √2, √3, √5, decimal expansions of rational numbers in terms of terminating/non-terminating recurring decimals. Polynomials Zeros of a polynomial. Relationship between zeros and coefficients of a polynomial with particular reference to quadratic polynomials. Statement and simple problems on division algorithm for polynomials with real coefficients. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Pair of linear equations in two variables. Geometric representation of different possibilities of solutions/inconsistency. Algebraic conditions for number of solutions. Solution of pair of linear equations in two variables algebraically - by substitution, by elimination and by cross multiplication. Simple situational problems must be included. Simple problems on equations reducible to line

Science and Technology

Science and Technology Download Sample Papers CBSE Test Papers for Class X Science and Technology. These test papers have been given Chapter-wise. Test Papers based on latest syllabus for the following topics can be downloaded for free of cost. Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-metals, Carbon and its Compounds, Periodic Classification of Elements, Life Processes, Control and Coordination, How do Organisms Reproduce?, Heredity and Evolution, Light – Reflection and Refraction, Human Eye and Colourful World, Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, Sources of Energy, Our Environment and Management of Natural Resources.

Science for Tenth Class

Chemical Reactions and Equations Chemical equations and their balancing, Types of chemical reactions: combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, oxidation and reduction, corrosion, rancidity. Acids, Bases and Salts Chemical properties of acids and based, H+ and OH- ions, Neutralisation reactions, pH, salts like common salt, sodium hydroxide, bleaching powder, washing soda, plaster of Paris. Metals and Non-metals Metals-physical and chemical properties, the reactivity series, Non-metals-physical and chemical properties, Ionic compounds, occurrence and extraction of metals, corrosion. Carbon and its Compounds Bonding in Carbon-The Covalent bond Allotropes of Carbon, Versatile nature of carbon Saturated and unsaturated carbon compounds-chains, branches and rings, Homologous series, Nomenclature and Chemical properties of Carbon compounds, Important carbon Compounds (ethanol, ethanoic acid) and their properties Soaps and detergents. Periodic Classification of Elements E

CBSE Test Papers for class 10

CBSE Test Papers for class 10 We has desinged test papers chepter wise and Unit wise so that the student can test his performance just after completion of single chepter or the unit. This section has lots of test papers in all subjects for class X.

Social Science

Social Science CBSE Test Papers for Class X Social Science. These test papers have been given Chapter-wise. Test Papers based on latest syllabus for the following topics can be downloaded for free of cost. The Test Papers are arranged separately for CBSE class 10 History, CBSE Class 10 Economics, CBSE Class 10 Geography and CBSE Class 10 Civics.

CBSE Test Papers for class 10/Social Science

CBSE Test Papers for Class 10 Economics Description: CBSE Test Papers for Class 10 Economics, Social Science. All the chapters are included here. Students are advised to check the relevancy before using them. CBSE Test Papers for Class 10 Geography Description: CBSE Test Papers for Class 10 Geography, Social Science. All the chapters are included here. Students are advised to check the relevancy before using them. CBSE Test Papers for Class 10 Civics Description: CBSE Test Papers for Class 10 Civics, Social Science. All the chapters are included here. Students are advised to check the relevancy before using them. CBSE Test Papers for Class 10 History Description: CBSE Test Papers for Class 10 History, Social Science. All the chapters are included here. Students are advised to check the relevancy before using them.

Cbse Sample Paper

CBSE Class X 2009 Sample and Guess Papers as per latest CBSE Syllabus. CBSE Sample Papers CBSE Guess Papers Important Questions CBSE Class XII 2009 Sample and Guess Papers as per latest CBSE Syllabus. CBSE Sample Papers CBSE Guess Papers Important Questions