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Showing posts from December 2, 2010

Class 9, Democratic Politics-I | Electoral Politics, Chapter 5 NCERT (CBSE) Political Science | Hot Practice Questions - Solutions

ELECTORAL POLITICS (Democratic Politics – I) Class 9, NCERT Social (Political Science) CCS type CBSE Sample Questions - NCERT Solutions Question.1: Do you think that educational qualifications should be made necessary for the voters / contestants. Give arguments in support of your answer. Question.2: What is a reserved constituency? Why do we have

Electoral Politics | NCERT (CBSE) Class IX, Political Science | Chapter-4 Democratic Politics - I | Exercise Solutions

Class 9, Ncert Cbse Social (Political Science) ELECTORAL POLITICS NCERT Solutions for textbook Exercise Questions Q.1: Which of the following sentiments about the reason for conducting elections are false? a. Elections enable people to judge the performance of the government. b. People select the representative of their choice in an election. c.