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Exercise- 2

1. Solve the following system of equations graphically:

(i) 2x + 3y +5 = 0
     3x - 2y -12 = 0

(iii) 3x + 2y = 9
      2x - y + 1 = 0

(v) 5x - y - 7 = 0
      x - y + 1 = 0

(ii) 2x + 3y =12 
      x - y = 1

(iv) 2x + 3y = 6
      4x + 6y = 24

(vi) 2x + 3y - 1 = 0
       (x + 3/2) y - 2 = 0


2. Solve the following system of linear equations graphically and then find the points where the lines meet y-axis:


(i) 2x + y - 5 = 0
    x + y - 3 = 0

(iii) 3x + y - 5 = 0
     2x - y - 5 = 0

(v) 2x + y - 11 = 0
     x - y - 1 = 0

(ii) 2x - y - 5 = 0
     x - y - 3 = 0

(iv) 2x + 3y -12 = 0
      2x - y - 4 = 0

(vi) 2x - y = 1 
      x + 2y = 8


3. Solve the following system of linear equations graphically and shade the area bounded by these lines and y-axis:


(i) x + 2y - 7 = 0
    2x - y - 4 = 0

(iii) 3x + y - 11 = 0
       x - y -1 = 0

(ii) x - y = 1
     2x + y = 8

(iv) 2x - y = 8
      8x + 3y = 24



4. Draw the graph of the following equations and solve graphically shade the region bounded by these lines and x-axis. Also calculate the area bounded by these lines and x-axis:


(i) x - y + 1 = 0
   3x + 2y -12 = 0

(iii) 2x + y = 6 
2x - y + 2 = 0

(ii) 4x - 3y + 4 = 0
4x + 3y - 20 = 0

(iv) 2x + 3y = 12
x - y = 1


5. Determine graphically the co-ordinates of the vertices of a triangle, the equation of whose sides are given:


(i) y = x ; y = 2x ; x + y = 6

(iii) x + y = 5 ; x - y = 5 ; x = 0

(ii) y = x ; 3y = x ; x + y = 8




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